Ongoing consultations:

We support different companies/farmers according to their needs by doing research and development on renewable raw materials for energy production, for the material use of NAWAROS, as well as for feed and food production.
Examination of the change of earthworms

The study was carried out to the cultivation form on arable land.
FH Weihenstephan, Prof. Dr. Ernst Schrimpff, Prof. Johannes Bauchhenß
Funded projects:
RDI-project in cooperation with Sekem

"Commercial Production of Enhanced Bio-Control Agents for Combating Soil Borne Pathogens in Egypt"
Art in agriculture

Guidance and excursions to art impulses in agriculture.
Vegetable oil technology circulation Mittelburgenland


funded by BMVIT, Energy Systems of the Future - "Conception of Models of Multifunctional Energy Centers for Eastern Styria"
Agriculture 2020

funded by BMVIT, Energy Systems of the Future "Fundamentals of Sustainable Energy Technological Social Development"
Energy Region East Styria

Topic coordination "vegetable oil technology"